- Created By:
- Trailguy Stevns (Tomas Patheier)
- Member Of Team:
- Copenhagen Marathon 2025
- Participating In:
- 1. Marathon
- Collecting for:
- Børnecancerfonden
Trailguy Stevns CPH MARATHON 2025
Kræft er ikke for børn!
Og alligevel er der hvert år ca 200 danske børn som får konstateret kræft.😪
Jeg skal deltage i CPH Marathon med FundRacers, hvor vi i fællesskab indsamler penge til kræftsyge børn🏃.
(English text in the bottom)
Jeg håber at jeg kan bidrage med så mange penge som muligt. 🥰
Alle donationer går direkte og 100% ubeskåret til Børnecancerfonden.
Jeg sætter barren og målet højt: 10.000 Dkkr
På forhånd tak for din støtte, det er med til at motivere mig til at løbe lidt mere!
Cancer is not for children!
And yet every year there are approx. 200 Danish children who are diagnosed with cancer.😪
I will participate in the CPH Marathon with FundRacers, where we jointly collect money for children with cancer🏃.
I hope I can contribute as much money as possible.
All donations go directly and 100% uncut to the Children's Cancer Foundation.
I set the barre and the goal high: DKK 10,000 (1.450 USD, 1340 EUR, 1130 GBP)
Thanks in advance for your support, it helps motivate me to run a little more!
Og alligevel er der hvert år ca 200 danske børn som får konstateret kræft.😪
Jeg skal deltage i CPH Marathon med FundRacers, hvor vi i fællesskab indsamler penge til kræftsyge børn🏃.
(English text in the bottom)
Jeg håber at jeg kan bidrage med så mange penge som muligt. 🥰
Alle donationer går direkte og 100% ubeskåret til Børnecancerfonden.
Jeg sætter barren og målet højt: 10.000 Dkkr
På forhånd tak for din støtte, det er med til at motivere mig til at løbe lidt mere!
Cancer is not for children!
And yet every year there are approx. 200 Danish children who are diagnosed with cancer.😪
I will participate in the CPH Marathon with FundRacers, where we jointly collect money for children with cancer🏃.
I hope I can contribute as much money as possible.
All donations go directly and 100% uncut to the Children's Cancer Foundation.
I set the barre and the goal high: DKK 10,000 (1.450 USD, 1340 EUR, 1130 GBP)
Thanks in advance for your support, it helps motivate me to run a little more!
Recent activity
Anonymous User donated 350 kr.
Anonymous User donated 300 kr.
Anita Andersen donated 500 kr.
Anonymous User donated 300 kr.
Anonymous User donated 50 kr.
Anonymous User donated 500 kr.
Anonymous User donated 20 kr.
Anonymous User donated 30 kr.
Anonymous User donated 250 kr.
Anonymous User donated 100 kr.
Anonymous User donated 25 kr.
Anonymous User donated 5 kr.
Anonymous User donated 300 kr.
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.
Anonymous User donated 400 kr.
Hans christian Jensen donated 250 kr.
Anonymous User donated 100 kr.
Anonymous User donated 150 kr.
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.
Anonymous User donated 250 kr.
Anonymous User donated 150 kr.
Anonymous User donated 200 kr.