Created By:
Mårten Bendroth
Member Of Team:
Copenhagen Marathon 2024
Participating In:
1. Marathon
Collecting for:

Mårten Bendroth CPH Marathon 2024

As I gear up for this marathon, my purpose goes beyond personal achievement—I run to champion the fight against childhood cancer.

Each stride is a step towards a brighter future for young warriors battling this relentless disease. Your support in this fundraising marathon is an investment in hope, healing, and a better tomorrow for these courageous children and their families. Childhood cancer respects no boundaries, impacting the lives of innocent souls who should be playing, laughing, and dreaming without the burden of illness.

Generous donations directly fund critical research, treatment, and support programs, ensuring no child faces this battle alone. Join me in the race against childhood cancer, where every step and every donation become a testament to our collective strength and compassion.
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2,605 kr.
0 Days left

Mårten Bendroth donated 1,050 kr

Recent activity

  • Marie Visted Jakobsen Børnecancerfonden
    Kære Mårten

    Vi sender dig en stor TAK for at starte en indsamling til Børnecancerfonden. Vores håb er, at vi en dag kommer så langt med forskningen, at vi kan indfri vores vision om, at ingen børn skal dø af kræft og alle børn skal overleve til et liv uden senfølger.

    TAK for at være en del af styrken for børn med kræft og for at hjælpe os tættere på målet.

    De bedste hilsner
    Marie, Børnecancerfonden
  • Joel Jonsson Joel Jonsson donated 300 kr (SEK)

    u go runrun!!

  • Fatima Sjögren Alpha Fatima Sjögren Alpha donated 100 kr.

  • Kalle Anka Kalle Anka donated 123 kr (SEK)


  • Annie Ehlo Annie Ehlo donated 100 kr (SEK)

  • Krister  Hjelm Krister Hjelm donated 150 kr.

    Bra initiativ! Jobba Jobba Jobba!

  • Hans och Ann Bendroth Hans och Ann Bendroth donated 500 kr (SEK)

  • Linus Sandahl Linus Sandahl donated 100 kr (SEK)

    Heja heja Mårten!

  • Rikard Frangeur Rikard Frangeur donated 100 kr (SEK)

    Heja Mårten

  • Viktor Bendroth Viktor Bendroth donated 150 kr (SEK)

  • Annie Ehlo Annie Ehlo donated 100 kr (SEK)

  • Sabina Björkman Sabina Björkman donated 300 kr (SEK)

  • Marcus Nilsson Marcus Nilsson donated 150 kr.

  • Thomas  Rakar Thomas Rakar donated 100 kr (SEK)

  • Elin Skoogh Elin Skoogh donated 300 kr (SEK)


  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr (SEK)

  • Otto Delshammar Otto Delshammar donated 200 kr (SEK)

    För jag har ett hjärta av guld <3

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 500 kr.