Oprettet Af:
Marie Louise Bodenhoff
Medlem af hold:
Copenhagen Marathon 2024
Deltager i:
1. Marathon
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Currently, my mother is battling brain cancer. I know and feel the pain of being a child risking and fearing the loss of a parent. Yet, I can’t bear to consider the pain my mother or father would feel, had the cancer been the other way around.

Unfortunately, this pain is lived by the parents of 500-600 Danish children each year, whereof 25% of cases regard brain cancer.

Children experience more aggressive forms of cancer than adults. Simultaneously, children can undergo more intensive treatments due to their young cells’ faster division. This means that many children are lucky and strong enough to beat cancer. But the consequences that follow such a battle and immensely tough start at life should not be experienced by these young souls.

As of now, there is little knowledge of the reasons to cancer cells developing in children’s bodies. Therefore, I want to support the scientists who are working to gain more knowledge about mutations in the genetic material that could potentially predict child cancer, so, hopefully, children can be children, and parents won’t have to experience the pain and fear of losing their most loved ones.

As Børnecancerfonden states: “All children deserve to become adults”, but not at an early age.

On the 5th of May 2024, I will be running Copenhagen Marathon with pride and purpose, wearing the purple t-shirt of Børnecancerfonden. In the coming months I aspire to gather as much financial support to Børnecancerfonden as possible, and I hope you want to support this urgent matter with me. All donations are impactful.

Sources: https://boernecancerfonden.dk

Giv bidrag Giv med
42.423 kr.
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Seneste aktivitet

  • Marie Visted Jakobsen Børnecancerfonden
    Kære Marie Louise

    Vi sender dig en stor TAK for at starte en indsamling til Børnecancerfonden. Vores håb er, at vi en dag kommer så langt med forskningen, at vi kan indfri vores vision om, at ingen børn skal dø af kræft og alle børn skal overleve til et liv uden senfølger.

    TAK for at være en del af styrken for børn med kræft og for at hjælpe os tættere på målet.

    De bedste hilsner
    Marie, Børnecancerfonden
  • Anonym Anonym gav 422 kr.

    Du er så sej💪, dit hjerte er det største❤️. Flot, flot indsamling 🙏🏼

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    Du er verdens sejeste. Tak for alt hvad du gør for andre ❤️

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  • Viktor Vad Viktor Vad gav 354 kr.

    1kr pr kilometer i år - stort tillykke med dit flotte indsamlingsresultat! God vind i morgen.

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